‘Settle at brilliant’ is one of our four core Fluro values. Let’s talk about it.

We know what you’re thinking, ‘Oh jeez, that’s a really harsh standard to put on the team…’ and you’re right. It is. We demand the team gives up everything that brings them joy in order to only produce brilliant work, every time, without fail…

In reality, settle at brilliant is far from a comment on day-to-day life at Fluro. Settle at brilliant means never settle; it’s an ever-moving goalpost for the entire business. Sometimes we’ll move it, sometimes advancements in technology will move it, and other times the sector will move it. Settle at brilliant is ultimately a reminder: the moment we think we’ve perfected something is the moment we stop doing our best for our customers.

Dissect and iterate

Settle at brilliant also celebrates our culture of iteration. In any business of a thousand moving parts, it’s quite easy to release something that’s fine, or even good, and then neglect to revisit it.

For example, our loan application process is fast and smooth, it ticks the boxes we set out to achieve and creates a positive, simple experience for our customers - fantastic, just what we wanted!

But maybe someone in our customer service team will identify a common query that we could answer for our customers before it crops up, maybe someone from brand will see an opportunity to rename a button to fit better with our tone of voice, maybe a designer discovers a more delightful way of animating a dropdown menu…

Nothing is too small. Nothing is insignificant.

Revisit, dissect, and iterate.

Something we’re also heavily conscious of is assumptions. It’s natural to assume that the way things are done, ubiquitously across the sector, is the right way. Typically, there’s a reason for this - R&D has already been done and consumer familiarity built; to reinvent the wheel would not only result in a poorer quality of product but it would be a needless endeavor to stand out for all the wrong reasons. That said, the comfort of legacy systems (design, approach, process) can easily stop evolution under the collective assumption, ‘that’s just how it’s done’.

We believe these kinds of assumptions are dangerous and lazy. It breeds a stagnant culture of not doing any better for the customer, something that has long plagued financial industries.

In many areas of technology, such as consumer devices, products have an incredibly short cutting-edge lifespan. Whether it’s the contentious planned obsolescence of devices like iPhones, or the yearly cycle of improvements to graphics cards, these industries churn out seasonal advancements. It would be ignorant to assume that R&D for digital financial products conducted 10 years ago, 5 years ago, a year ago, is still representing the best we could offer today.

Why brilliant?

Why not perfect? Perfect is the best, right? Don’t you want to be perfect?

The thing about perfect is it suggests an existing, stationary objective: yes, this is perfect, mark it complete. As discussed above, this absolutely isn’t the case. Given an infinite budget and infinite genius, we still wouldn’t produce something that is indefinitely perfect.

Brilliant, to us, also encompasses a part of our brand we’re less vocal about. Brilliant suggests a bit of je ne sais quoi. It’s not the calculated perfect, it’s the experimental scientist, hair wild, working in a bubbling laboratory; it’s intelligence mixed with the secret ingredient of passion. You have to really care about what you do to get the flavour of brilliance and we really care about what we do.